Routines to calculate a spectrum, if only the Sz conservation is taken into account.
Calculate spectral function for one individual spin. |
Calculate specified spin contributions of an NMR spectrum. |
Calculate ground state by iterating over all Sz sectors. |
Determine the energy shift corresponding to the overall groundstate energy. |
Builds and diagonalizes the Hamiltonian in one Sz sector. |
Evaluate expressions of the form <n|O|m>, where O is some operator. |
Builds the Hamiltonian in one Sz sector and finds the lowest eigenvalue. |
Sets the operator I^-. |
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.calc_correlator_function_parallel_Sz_conserved(Enm: ndarray, list_expectation_values_left: list[ndarray], expectation_values_right: ndarray, threshold_matrix_elements: float, eta: float, omegas: ndarray, correlator_function_fortran: ndarray) None
Calculate spectral function for one individual spin.
- Parameters:
Enm – Energy differences between the different eigenenergies.
list_expectation_values_left – Expectation values for the ladder operators on the left of the correlator.
expectation_values_right – Expectation values of total spin ladder operator
threshold_matrix_elements – Threshold until which the Matrix elements are evaluated.
eta – Broadening parameter.
omegas – Frequency range.
correlator_function_fortran – Empty array to be overwritten with the spin resolved spectral function. Has to fortran style.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.calc_correlator_function_variable_spin_number(calc_greens_function: bool, spin_indices: list[int], site_resolved_operators: ExpressionSpinful | list[ExpressionSpinful], operator_sum: ExpressionSpinful, Jz: ndarray, hJz: ndarray, hJp: ndarray, omegas: ndarray, eta: float, beta: float, energy_shift: float, magnetic_shift: float, threshold_matrix_elements: float, verbose: int) ndarray
Calculate specified spin contributions of an NMR spectrum.
The spin contributions are calculated exploiting Sz conservation through a direct resolvent approach.
- Parameters:
calc_greens_function – If true the Green’s function is calculated, otherwise the spectral function.
spin_indices – List of spin indices for which to calculate the spectral function.
site_resolved_operators – List of site-resolved operators or operators on one site.
operator_sum – Sum of operators acting on each site.
Jz – Array with Sz terms.
hJz – Array with the Sz Sz coupling.
hJp – Array with the S+ S- coupling.
omegas – Desired frequencies.
eta – Explicit broadening of the peaks.
beta – Inverse temperature. 0 means infinite temperature.
energy_shift – Constant energy offset.
magnetic_shift – Magnetic shift of the hamiltonian.
threshold_matrix_elements – Threshold until which the Matrix elements are evaluated.
verbose – Level of verbosity of output.
- Returns:
An array of the spectral function for each frequency for this cluster.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.calc_groundstate_energy(Jz: ndarray, hJz: ndarray, hJp: ndarray) float
Calculate ground state by iterating over all Sz sectors.
- Parameters:
Jz – Array with S^z terms. dim: (number_spins).
hJz – Array with the S^z S^z coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
hJp – Array with the S^+ S^- coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
- Returns:
The ground state energy.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.determine_energy_shift(Jz: ndarray, hJz: ndarray, hJp: ndarray, beta: float) float
Determine the energy shift corresponding to the overall groundstate energy.
Note that the ground state energy is only calculated if beta is larger than zero.
- Parameters:
Jz – Array with S^z terms. dim: (number_spins).
hJz – Array with the S^z S^z coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
hJp – Array with the S^+ S^- coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
beta – Inverse temperature.
- Returns:
The ground state energy if beta > 0, otherwise zero.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.diagonalize_Sz_conserved_hamiltonian(statemap: StateMap, Jz: ndarray, hJz: ndarray, hJp: ndarray) tuple[ndarray, ndarray]
Builds and diagonalizes the Hamiltonian in one Sz sector.
- Parameters:
statemap – State map of the Sz sector.
Jz – Array with S^z terms. dim: (number_spins).
hJz – Array with the S^z S^z coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
hJp – Array with the S^+ S^- coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
- Returns:
Returns the Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors in one Sz sector.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.evaluate_braket(operator: ExpressionSpinful, bra: ndarray, ket: ndarray, statemap_bra: StateMap, statemap_ket: StateMap) ndarray
Evaluate expressions of the form <n|O|m>, where O is some operator.
- Parameters:
operator – Fermion expression for which to evaluate the braket.
bra – Bra vectors, stored in matrix.
ket – Ket vectors, stored in matrix.
statemap_bra – State map for the bra vector.
statemap_ket – State map for the ket vector.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.lowest_energy_in_Sz_sector(statemap: StateMap, Jz: ndarray, hJz: ndarray, hJp: ndarray) float
Builds the Hamiltonian in one Sz sector and finds the lowest eigenvalue.
- Parameters:
statemap – State map of the Sz sector.
Jz – Array with S^z terms. dim: (number_spins).
hJz – Array with the S^z S^z coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
hJp – Array with the S^+ S^- coupling. dim: (number_spins x number_spins).
- Returns:
Returns the smallest algebraic eigenvalue.
- hqs_nmr.solver.implementations.Sz_conserved_routines.set_I_minus_operator(J_minus: ndarray, statemap: StateMap, statemap_minus: StateMap) csr_matrix_eigen
Sets the operator I^-.
- Parameters:
J_minus – Array with I^- terms. dim: (number_spins).
statemap – State map of the current Sz sector.
statemap_minus – State map of the Sz sector after applying I^-.
- Returns:
Returns the I^- operator applied to the sites specified in J_minus.